Thursday, January 12, 2012

This is the inauguration of my first blog.  I struggled with the title, and I figures that I was writing my thoughts about various subjects, so, I figured a straight forward title was best.

Since we in the beginning of 2012, and are in the primary season of what many people think is the most critical presidential election of our time, I plan to do a lot of writing about the election.  Two of my favorite subjects are God, and Government, or Religion and Politics, so I will be writing quite a bit about both subjects.  I will also be discussing, and promoting at least one person that is running for political office, a person that shares many of the values that I do. 

That being said, let me offer a disclaimer:  Unless I state otherwise, through quotes, videos, articles, and other documentation, the thoughts and opinions shared here are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the politicians, ministries, or others that I support or discuss.